Research article
Electrical Resistivity of Groundwater potential and Aquifer overburden protective capacity in some parts of Ajibode Ibadan Southwest Nigeria
*Fagoyinbo VO, Udoh NE and Olatunji SO
Department of Geology and Mineral Sciences, Crawford University, Igbesa, Ogun State, Nigeria
*Corresponding Author E-mail:
Accepted 17 September 2015
Vertical Electrical soundings (VES) were carried out in twenty stations across some parts of Ajibode area with the aim of determining the groundwater potential of the area. It was also meant to identify the aquifer overburden capacity of the Basement Complex area. The VES were quantitatively interpreted by partial curve matching and computer iteration method while geological and geophysical data were synthesized and used for groundwater prediction. The weathered zone is split in areas which show contrast in resistivity and the geoelectric layers range from 3 to 4. In most of the area, the lowest layer is diagnostic of clayey soil while the resistivity which ranges from 97?m to 454?m typifies clayey sand, dry sand, compact sand and laterite with thickness ranging from 0.4m to 2.1. The second layer, with resistivity values ranging from 85?m to 870?m and thickness between 1.7m to 18.4m, suggests likelihood of sandy clay, clayey sand and laterite. This second layer is relevant in groundwater prospecting and where the layer is thick enough, it will be good for hand dug wells. The north-north eastern part of the area could be classified as high groundwater potential zones. On the whole, two aquifer zones were delineated, which are the weathered Basement Complex and fractured crystalline aquifer.
Keywords: Overburden, Resistivity, Prospecting